The International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), also known as the World Party of Socialist Revolution, was officially founded in November 1953 by devoted followers of revolutionary Marxist, Lev Davidovich Bronstein, aka Leon Trotsky. In their own words, “The International Committee of the Fourth International is the sole representative of the historical continuity of the struggle waged by Trotsky, dating back to 1923, to defend the principles, program and heritage of the 1917 October Revolution.”
Their international mission: thwart the Stalinist, Pabloistic, nationalist influences diluting and dissecting Trotsky’s programme to eliminate capitalist systems from all nations and achieve global socialism. ICFI developed their Trotskyite orthodoxy from a piece published in the May-June 1938 edition of Biulleten’ oppozitsii, trans., Bulletin of the Opposition (BO). Authored by the man himself – The Transitional Program: The Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International – is the Trotsky Manifesto, in a manner of speaking. (click bolded title if interested in pdf and/or text versions)
Trotsky founded, edited and nearly single-handedly authored all content for BO after Stalin banished him from the Soviet Union in 1929. The defeated leader of the Bolshevik Revolution used Bulletin of the Opposition for propaganda distribution and as an organisational tool. It kept his dreams alive and his followers working for the realisation of same. Today, the ICFI “works in political solidarity” with the Socialist Equality Party.

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An article published by the ICFI via their digital disinformation distribution outlet, World Socialist Web Site (WSWS), serves to reinforce something Liberty lovin’ people have also determined; the New York Times‘ 1619 Project is utter bunk.
In case you’ve fortunately missed the news, the 1619 Project is a revisionist history treatise, published by the New York Times, constructed to be part of classroom study materials when our children are learning about the genesis of the United States of America. Chief Architect of the falsehood-riddled “educational” series is Nikole Hannah-Jones who has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize, Commentary, for this widely discredited and discarded effort teaching new “truths”; including an unsupportable assertation that slavery was the basis for the American Revolutionary War. The New York Times has concocted a piece so preposterously deviant from known history, traditional enemies of capitalism also find the series – as well as excuses being offered for the untruths, secret edits and denials of authorship that have ensued since publication – ridiculous.
While odd to suggest taking a read at something produced in an enemy print shop, the ICFI angle on the 1619 Project saga is interesting and informative. As WSWS writers effectively expose the New York Times‘ collection of malignant myth, they also offer a glimpse of their own class-based, international socialist impressions of U.S. history. It is alarming how both these fantastical stories – one, born a century ago in Russia to launch a socialist revolutionary quest for an anti-capitalist utopia; the other, a modern manifestation of socialist degradation and intolerance known as revisionist history – have found their way into our classrooms, and our children’s heads. If interested, click to read, It is all just a metaphor: The New York Times attempts yet another desperate defense of its discredited 1619 Project.
Looks like Liberty and Oppression share a common antipathy; blatant stupidity.