Is there a more loathsome group of people….?

Is there a more loathsome group of people than the White House press corps?

They purport to be an assembly of professional and objective journalists; however, they have the maturity of a clique of mean girls in any middle school. 

They are politically deluded and pathetically self-important as well as being overly impressed with their, supposed, positions of power and influence. They are as malicious as any Shakespearien villian. When they do not get their way, they behave like toddlers throwing a tantrum. 

It was their view that Donald Trump was presumptions to run for President. Their goal, since he announced, has been to sabotage him every step of the way. They are willing to use any means to destroy him. 

Were this a novel, it might be amusing. The fact is it is real life. Their glee over the President being ill knew no bounds. Even more appalling was their hysteria over his being released from the hospital rather than dying. 

These people are not journalists. They are angry toddlers who have seen their power lost to an upstart who showed the people exactly what their character, or lack of thereof, was. 

As a conspiracy note, did the White House epidemic of COVID-19 start with the White House Press Corps? Three members were found to have it. Hope Hicks was in proximity to some of those three.