I just saw a story saying Greek government is reportedly deploying sound cannons to repel illegal migrants attempting to force their way into Greece by land or sea. 

It appears they deployed two Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRADs) along the Maritsa river and will be using it to deter mobs massing at their border fence as well as attempted waterborne crossings. 

An LRAD, which was developed by the LRAD corporation, can broadcast messages and pain-inducing “deterrent” tones over long distances. 

The sonic devices are designed to focus high-decibel “beams”. The beams create a painful and disorienting noise on targets. This causes a dispersing of hostile or otherwise unlawful crowds.  It can be used to encourage small groups or individuals to back off from sensitive buildings, ships, and other areas, without the need for batons, rubber bullets, or water cannons.

They have previously been deployed  in Ferguson, Missouri, and other locations.

If this technology is readily available, why in the name of Murgatroyd is it not being used on our southern border. 

If this technology is readily available, why did the Feds not use it against protesters attacking the Federal court house in Portland. 

Basically, why is this not used to stop the rioting, looting and anarchy in jurisdictions? 

Frankly, I care not a whit if it provides “pain-inducing” to these heathens. It is way past time to put an end to their shenanigans!