He did it, the President has dumped about 37 minutes of tape from the CBS interview.
On Tuesday, Lesley Stahl along with other members of her CBS theater group arrived at the White House to film an infotainment piece featuring President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. The edited performance is to be premiered during this Sunday’s broadcast of 60 Minutes – one of America’s premier infotainment programs projecting the image of an impartial news source. President Trump ended the performance earlier than what had been scheduled when he grew weary of his truth and Stahl’s script not jiving with one another. A producer tried to smooth things over, move on to the next Act and Scene after things grew heated between Trump and Stahl, suggesting it was time to bring in the Vice President. Nope, Trump and Pence would not be participating in a Walk and Talk with Stahl. The President was done humoring hostiles in his own home.
After the actors, director, hair, make up and wardrobe personnel in CBS’ employ had departed the White House, President Trump tweeted a threat to release the interview, uncut and unedited. To generously provide us all a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the upcoming 60 Minutes stage production. This morning, CBS released a 90 second teaser of the extravaganza they intend to broadcast during this Sunday’s episode of 60 Minutes. The President responded by dumping just under 40 minutes of the taped episode, free of advertising or editing.
CBS is feeling a lil chafey in the tender bits over this action and released a statement:
60 Minutes has formally said the White House agreed only to record the interview for its archives and said it has a history of interviewing presidential candidates and asking important questions in the run-up to elections, whatever that is supposed to mean.
When’s the last time you saw President Trump do a sit down, one on one interview with a man who works in the infotainment industry? Casting females in the part of Presidential Grand Inquisitor with Trump is so transparent. Critics from other infotainment entities would undoubtedly portray the antagonist in their tale as ‘caddish’ should he dare speak sharply to an actor wearing a skirt. The females jumping up and down with glee as they get assigned roles simply because of their gender seem particularly doltish. Even the simplest of gals on the legendary Casting Couch knew it was their body, not their mind, that got ’em the good jobs.
Stop trying to make sense of the nonsensical seems like the best option, here. Lemme go pop some corn, open a Sprite and stop being all judgey about the Left. There’s some decent TV on the Facebook to watch.