RNC Chair Calls Out…

RNC Chair Calls Out the Debate Commission for Election Interference

While appearing on Sunday’s CBS “Face the Nation “, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel accused the Presidential Debate Commission of election interference. Her statement was, 

“I think voters are very frustrated by the corrupt debate commission, that they would cancel a second debate,” McDaniel told host Margaret Brennan. “I think it feeds in to the belief that this 47 years that Joe Biden has had in DC is again protecting him from facing the voters. And Americans are frustrated that this election commission interfered with our ability to see these two candidates debate.”

As we all know, the Commission cancelled a debate using health concerns as the excuse. This decision was made unilaterally and without talking to the candidates. This can be construed as interference in the election.

For days, there was much debate, by the media, about the debate. Their obvious bias against the sitting President was on full display. This is yet another way to allow candidate Biden to stay tucked, safely, in his basement and not have to face President Trump, or the voters, in a debate.