Sustainability for Media

The media is dying; however, will not die gracefully. They need only to find a great deal of money. Its bias has alienated a majority of the country with the exception of those groups it’s bias supports. 

H.R. 7640: The Local Journalism Sustainability Act has been  introduced in Congress. 

The bill is supported by a coalition including Report for America and the National Newspaper Association. This bill would provide tax credits for newspaper subscriptions and tax credits for paying the salaries of the radical  activists employed by the newspaper. Further, an offer of a $5,000 tax credit for advertising in newspapers.

To no one’s surprise, the bill is the product of a Democrat representative, Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick. It is her position the bill would fund “local newspapers”, while ignoring the fact those local newspapers are largely owned by national operations and hedge funds.

Though they claim the bill will help save “local journalism” how does the Local Journalism Sustainability Act  define local journalism? It is not based on the paper, but the readers. If 51% of the paper’s readers live in the same state, or,alternatively, they live within 200 miles of each other. it’s considered a local paper. This includes papers who are a subsidiary of a national chain whose headquarters are in New York or D.C.

Nothing about this bailout is local. The money will, mostly, go to subsidize the corporate newspaper chains that are lobbying for it, while bribing businesses and readers to fund the failed business model.

While businesses with a viable business model are being destroyed, Democrats are legislating to keep the media alive by offering exclusive tax credits to their political all at the citizens expense. 

It is a pile of sleazy slime!