The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of the St. Lawrence river taken from Clayton NY.

Today marks the 100th edition of the View from Here. It’s also the 105th day since we launched this site. Thanks for sticking around. . . .

You should probably know about the historic Abraham Accords by now. They’re the agreements between Israel and several Arab states that normalize diplomatic relations. So far, The Kingdom hasn’t signed on, but given what the Saudi foreign minister, Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz said on Saudi TV, it probably won’t be long in coming.

Bandar made it clear that the Palestinians were as much, if not more, to blame for the lack of progress in negotiations as the Israelis. That’s a pretty substantive change from the usual statements coming from Riyadh.

Cornell University is located not far from this Editor in Ithaca NY. The school is proposing to change the name of it’s English department. For some reason, the faculty seems to think the current title, the English department, will confuse students. Apparently the faculty feels students may think the English department specializes in the English nationality instead of the English language. From the Cornell Sun:

The new proposed name — “the department of literatures in English” — would mark a distinct change in the department’s branding, helping to eliminate what Director of Undergraduate Studies Prof. Kate McCullough, English, said was the “conflation of English as a language and English as a nationality.”

See also: Did You Know….?

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