The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Beaver Lake. The lake, and it’s surrounding county owned nature center, is located near Baldwinsville in Onondaga county NY.

Do you remember Karl Manke? He’s the 77 year old Michigan barber who continually defied Gauleiter Frau Whitmer’s covid diktats. Well, after racking up a bunch of criminal charges and having his barbers license revoked, Manke is now officially in the clear. The prosecutor has dropped all the charges after the Michigan Supreme Court voided all of Whitmer’s executive orders.

Democrats in Pennsylvania have won a temporary victory. SCOTUS refused to issue a stay preventing the state from accepting mail-in ballots until November 6. It looks like the vote was 4-4 with squish Roberts voting with the libs. I say this is a temporary victory only because the possibility of the case being taken up after ACB gets confirmed.

Jeffrey Epstein’s reputed procurer got some bad news in court. No, Ghislaine Maxwell didn’t not kill herself. The judge overseeing the suit brought by one of Epstein and Maxwell’s victims ordered Maxwell’s depositions to be made public.

“I hold Donald Trump responsible for every death in New York from COVID,”

“Because Trump lied. He lied. And in combination with his lies, he was incompetent. It was his lie that said this was nothing to worry about. Trump was patient zero in the United States.”

” (Trump) was the super spreader that brought the virus to America.”

NY Governor Andy Cuomo

You know who normal people blame for the deaths in NY Andy? You. You and Howard Zucker and that God forsaken executive order you issued cramming covid positive patients into nursing homes. You know Gov, we STILL don’t have an accurate accounting of nursing home deaths.

I’m really getting sick of this douchebag.

The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh has restarted within the last 24 hours. There had been a tenuous ceasefire in place for several days, however a new push by Azeri forces seems to have shattered that ceasefire. There is pretty strong evidence of Turkish involvement on the Azeri side, beyond the movement of Syrian mercenaries. The Armenians have posted images of Turkish drones that they’ve shot down over the separatist region.

It seems as if the Russians are at least making the appearance of supporting the Armenian side. Images have popped up online showing Russian troops manning Armenian border crossings with Azerbaijan.

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