The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of DeRuyter Reservoir. The Reservoir is an impoundment of Limestone creek originally intended to provide water for the Erie canal. It’s located near the village of DeRuyter in Madison county NY.

In a masterful bit of trolling, one of the President’s guests at tonight’s Presidential Debate is supposed to be one Tony Bobulinski, the former business associate of Hunter Biden and current whistleblower over the Biden’s corruption. Don’t Miss our live coverage of the debate starting just before 2100 eastern.

Can anyone tell me why we’re still funding NPR? Or PBS for that matter. Admittedly, there was a time when both entities delivered a quality product and filled a necessary role in this country. Of late, and I mean the last 20ish (at least) years both entities have devolved from competent, if slightly left leaning, outlets to all out partisan hack factories. The latest evidence of this is the refusal of NPR to even mention the Biden email scandal.

It’s time to pull all federal funding from these extensions of the democratic party.

In case you missed the news, ACB’s nomination has been passed out of committee by a 12-0 vote. Nevermind that the Dems on the committee had a hissy fit and didnt bother to show up. Cocaine Mitch has scheduled a floor vote for Monday.

For those of you who have a life and aren’t completely immersed in politics 24/7, every incumbent president with a 50% or higher approval rating has gone on to win re-election.

Anyone remember Jean Carroll? She’s the nutcase woman that claimed that Donald Trump raped her at a department store in New York City back in the 1990s. She sued, claiming Trump defamed her when he called her a liar while denying the claims. Anyway, the Justice Department has stepped in on that case. The official view is that the President was acting in an official capacity and is therefore immune from those types of suit. Not being an attorney, I can’t say if it’s true or no. But what I can say with a high level of confidence is that if the judge approves of ther move, the suit is dead.

Remember, our live coverage of the final Presidential Debate starts just before 9pm eastern tonight.

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