The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Lakeview pond. The pond is located near Ellisburg in Jefferson county NY.

Biden called a lid shortly after this massive rally.

I really like Tom Cotton. The Arkansas Senator seems like a straight shooter to me. It doesn’t hurt that he takes no guff from anyone. Here’s a perfect example. He recently had an interview with CNBC’s Squawk Box. When one of the hosts got all smug about the media not covering the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, he blasted him with the Russian collision and the Steele ‘dossier’. Watch:

Cloture has been called on debate over the ACB nomination. Expect a floor vote some time tomorrow afternoon/evening. As Lisa Murkowski said she was voting against the procedurals and for the nomination going forward, all the suspense is over.

A quick update on the hijacking story from earlier today. The British Special Boat Service intervened, all the crew is safe and the 7 stowaways/hijackers are in custody at this point.

See also: Blasphemy on CNN

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