Today’s featured image is of the Canisteo river. The 61 mile long river flows through Allegheny and Steuben counties before joining the Tioga river near Corning NY.
The GDP numbers for the third quarter of the year are out and they’re astonishing to say the least. The economy grew by 33% over the second quarter. The number is an all time record. But, there’s a ways to go before we reach pre-pandemic levels.
Jack Dorsey must enjoy being dragged in front of Congress. His company keeps stepping in it, and today was no different. First, twitter locked out the chief of CBP for daring to say the border wall makes it more difficult for illegals to cross.
And then they left a tweet from a former Malaysian politician, that called for the murder of millions of French, up for several hours.
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, 95, who served as the fourth and seventh prime minister of Malaysia claimed Muslims have the right to kill millions of French people. That tweet came on the heels of French President Macron saying his Country was under attack by muslims following the islamic terror attacks there earlier today.
I’m not sure how much y’all will be interested in this next piece, it’s kind of inside baseball for news junkies but I feel I need to at least mention it.
Glenn Greenwald, a liberal writer and co-founder of the Intercept, has resigned. His stated reasoning was the censorship of an article he wrote that criticized Joe Biden.
“The censored article, based on recently revealed emails and witness testimony, raised critical questions about Biden’s conduct. Not content to simply prevent publication of this article at the media outlet I co-founded, these Intercept editors also demanded that I refrain from exercising a separate contractual right to publish this article with any other publication.”
It has become rare to find that kind of courage of convictions in anyone, nevermind a journalist.

See also: Resistance Theater: Anonymous Identified
The Golf GOAT Jack Nicklaus has endorsed a candidate for President.
Through the years, I have been blessed to personally know several Presidents on both sides of the aisle.
All were good people. All loved their country. And all believed in the American Dream.
I have had the privilege over the last 3½ years to get to know our current President a little more as his term has progressed. I have been very disappointed at what he’s had to put up with from many directions, but with that, I have seen a resolve and a determination to do the right thing for our country. He has delivered on his promises. He’s worked for the average person. In my opinion, he has been more diverse than any President I have seen and has tried to help people from all walks of life—equally.
I’m just a guy from Ohio and a Midwestern middle-class family, whose grandfathers both worked on the railroad. They gave their son—my father—the opportunity to pursue his education and his American Dream. I was taught strong family values and worked hard to pursue my own dreams—my own American dream. I also believe that Donald Trump’s policies will bring the American Dream to many families across the nation who are still trying to achieve it.
You might not like the way our President says or tweets some things—and trust me, I have told him that!—but I have learned to look past that and focus on what he’s tried to accomplish. This is not a personality contest; it’s about patriotism, policies and the people they impact. His love for America and its citizens, and putting his country first, has come through loud and clear. How he has said it has not been important to me. What has been important are his actions. Now, you have the opportunity to take action.
I know we are only a few days from Nov. 3 and Election Day, but I am certain many of you have not yet made up your minds.
But if we want to continue to have the opportunity to pursue the American Dream, and not evolve into a socialist America and have the government run your life, then I strongly recommend you consider Donald J. Trump for another 4 years. I certainly have and have already cast my vote for him!”
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