The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Lake Ontario taken from Southwick beach state park.

A Zogby poll shows that the president has continued to narrow the polling numbers gap with Joe Biden. Their July 8th poll showed Biden leading Trump 49% to 42%, their August 29th poll had Biden leading by six points (48% to 42%). But now their poll has Biden only leading by two points, 49% to 47%, with 4% not sure. That’s basically a statistical dead heat. If you factor in the the “shy Trump” vote, it might even put Trump on the winning side of the poll.

Get woke, go broke. That’s the hard lesson the NBA is learning right now. Ratings for the finals match-up between the Lakers and the Heat hit an all-time low. Game two of the series averaged 4.5 million viewers. That’s far less than the previous record low, the first game of this series at 7.4m viewers.

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