The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Black Lake. The lake is located in St. Lawrence county NY and roughly parallels the south shore of the St. Lawrence river.

Sidney Powell, the attorney for LTG Mike Flynn filed a motion to disqualify judge Emmett Sullivan from the case against her client. Before anyone gets too excited, this is a mostly procedural move. In other words, she wants the objections to Sullivan on the record for any future appeals.

There’s an interesting poll out about the ACB nomination. A Morning Consult poll shows increasing support for her to be confirmed. Overall support is up 9% since the last poll 2 weeks ago, and support is up by 10% and 8% among Democrats and Independents respectively.

Democrat Cal Cunningham is running for the US Senate in North Carolina. He’s got some issues though. He was recently caught sexting with a woman who is not his wife. The affair with Arlene Guzman Todd was originally thought to be just digital, but Todd confirmed that it was physical as well. Unfortunately for Cal, the Army Reserve, where he hold the rank of lieutenant colonel, has opened an investigation into the affair. Seems the UCMJ looks askance at that kind of behavior. On a lighter note, recent polls have shown incumbent Thom Tillis leading since this scandal broke. H/T AuntiE for this item.

Hurricane Delta is bearing down on the Gulf Coast. It’s predicted to make landfall on the western Louisiana coast sometime Friday afternoon. As of right now, there’s a hurricane watch up from High Island Texas to Grand Isle Louisiana.

Ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is free today after posting a $1 million bond. Chauvin is one of the Minneapolis cops accused of killing George Floyd back in May.

The Vice-Presidential debate is tonight at 2100 EDT. The event is being held at Kingsbury Hall in Salt Lake City Utah. I’ll give my reactions tomorrow, but as far as live coverage goes, Meh. . . .

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