The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Fourth Lake. Fourth Lake is part of the Fulton Chain of lakes in the Adirondacks.

Court Packing is becoming a problem for Joe. The media is attempting to change the narrative for him. They’re trying to make it seem that the Constitutionally mandated duty to nominate a Justice when there is a vacancy is “packing the court”. And at the same time, they’re attempting to paint adding members to the high Court as “court reform.”

Court packing has a specific meaning and it doesn’t mean filling, or not filling, seats in accordance with the Senate’s constitutional responsibility. It specifically means adding seats to the Supreme Court to make it more fit your political will.

The ACB confirmation hearings start tomorrow. Here’s a preview of ACB’s opening remarks.

I mentioned the neon MiG29 and SU25 from the NK founders day parade. I didn’t post photos Because I couldn’t find them. Well, here they are.

See also: Gaffe-tastic Joe

A German journalist living in DC received three absentee ballots. Before you get the wrong idea, the man didn’t request any of the ballots. They were intended for the previous tenants of his apartment.

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