The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Seneca Lake. Seneca is the largest of the Finger Lakes in New York.

There’s a new-ish report from the CDC that’s making the rounds. It was in last week’s Morbidity and Mortality report. The report states that 85% of those who caught the Chinese Lung AIDS in July claimed they wore a mask “often” and that 70% claimed they wore a mask “always”. And just 3.9% of those infected reported never wearing a mask.

Two things are going on with that report as far as I’m concerned. First, they’re relying on “self-reporting”. Mask compliance may have been on the upswing in July, but 85%? Yeah I doubt that.

The other issue I have with this report is that it just shows a single data point. We have no idea if any of the other factors involved in transmission are present, and how or even if they’re accounted for in this study.

I’m on the record as saying I don’t think masking works, at least not the way the corporate media is portraying it. Frankly, I distrust any report in the subject, regardless of conclusion, created since April. What I do trust are the volumes of reports produced in the months and years prior to the Chinese coronavirus outbreak showing unequivocally that masking is only slightly effective, if all protocols are followed and specific types of mask are used.

The American Bar Association has issued their rating of ACB. They think she’s “well-qualified” to be a Supreme Court Justice.

Dunno if anyone cares or not, but the LA Lakers won the NBA championship last night. I Really don’t care, and can’t even be bothered to google who they played or anything else, the reason I mentioned it is some Los Angelinos used the victory(?) as a pretext to loot and riot. There were 78 arrests made and 8 officers were injured.

Roberta McCain has died at 101. She was the wife of Admiral John S. McCain Jr and mother of senator John McCain.

You know the . . Thing. . . C’mon man!

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