The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Willowemoc Creek. The Willowemoc is a tributary of the Beaver Kill and is located in Sullivan county NY.

Today is day two of the ACB confirmation hearings. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island made an ass of himself, DiFi was ineffective at best, and Dick Durban tried to make it about race. But the highlight of the day went to ACB. When asked about her notes, she lifted up an empty note pad. WATCH:

At what point does someone come forward and stop the abuse that’s being thrown Joe’s way? He’s clearly losing mental capacity by the day. Here’s the latest:

This just crossed the transom, SCOTUS has overruled the 9th circuit and ended the 2020 census count. The 9th had ordered the government to continue until 31 October. The unsigned SCOTUS order ends the count immediately.

Today is 13 October. There are 80 days left in the year. Why do I bring that up? Chicago already has the most murders and shootings in more than 25 years. There have been 600 murders so far in 2020, a 50% increase over last year.

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California is warning voters not to sanitize their ballots by putting them in the microwave or covering them with hand sanitizer. Yes, I’m being serious. It seems that a goodly number that have been returned were either doused in alcohol based hand sanitizer or microwaved.

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