They will hiss and…

They will hiss and scratch and claw at her like possessed feral cats.

Who is the “They” in the title? 

The femanazis is the “They”. Amy Coney Barrett is an anathema to them. 

By all they hold sacred, she should be their poster child. ACB has achieved all their aims for a feminist. The problem is she did not accomplish these achievements using their agenda. 

Where, in their pea brains, did she go astray? Let us count the ways. 

Her first mistake is her marital status.  She is supposed to either be divorced or single or living with her “partner.” 

Next is her failure to hate the “patriarchy” and believe men are full of toxicity. 

When it comes to children, she has exceeded the prescribed number of one or two. The mere thought she failed to have an abortion is unacceptable. 

Her failure to loudly praise Planned Parenthood, to all who will listen,  is verboten. 

Her adherence to the tenants of her faith is unacceptable. She is to follow only those that are in accordance with public political correctness. 

ACB is not supposed to be successful or prosperous while living by the moral “constraints” and “oppression” of the despised “traditional” norms. Those are norms  that femanazis have worked tirelessly to eliminate. She was not supposed to accomplish any measure of greatness without adhering to the modern feminist creed. It is distressing, to them, that she is not backwards, awkward, unattractive, rather helpless, and stupid.

Beyond everything else, the feminazis will hate Amy Coney Barrett because she has not joined them in their blood pact. ACB does not despise her own femininity, did not war against her own fertility, and does not believe she must be able to kill her own child in order to be free and equal to men.

They may hiss, scratch, claw, howl and just generally act like toddlers who need a nap; however, Amy Coney Barrett is a woman deserving great respect for living to her own standards and an appointment to the SCOTUS!