Initially, when Joe Biden stated during a a campaign speech on September 20, in Philadelphia that 200 million Americans had died, probably by the end of his speech from the COVID-19 and it was all Donald Trump’s fault. Everyone scoffed and laughed and said “poor Joe, he really is loosing it”…, we all recalled only months earlier on June 25, during a campaign event in Pennsylvania, Joe had stated the following:

“People don’t have a job, people don’t know where to go, they don’t know what to do,” he said. “Now we have over 120 million dead from COVID.”
Then, along came Kamala Harris and during one of her campaign stops in Charlotte, North Carolina on October 19, she too stated 220 million Americans had died. Same script writer? Up’d Joe’s bid from 200 to 220? Or is she just as cray cray as her running mate?

Then, we come to the final debate, this past Thursday, October 22 between former VP Joe Biden and President Donald Trump held at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. At which time, Joe Biden states not once, but twice “it’s going to be a dark winter. Ok, now the alarm bells are ringing for me. Why not?…. a cold winter, a long winter, or a heavy snow fall winter….no, no no…’s a dark winter.
So a quick look using any other search engine but Google, gives me this return…….
Operations Dark Winter (per Wiki)
Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation conducted from June 22–23, 2001.[1][2][3] It was designed to carry out a mock version of a covert and widespread smallpox attack on the United States. Tara O’Toole and Thomas Inglesby of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies (CCBS) / Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and Randy Larsen and Mark DeMier of Analytic Services were the principal designers, authors, and controllers of the Dark Winter project.
Dark Winter’s simulated scenario involved an initial localized smallpox attack on Oklahoma City, Oklahoma with additional smallpox attack cases in Georgia and Pennsylvania. The simulation was then designed to spiral out of control. This would create a contingency in which the National Security Council struggles to determine both the origin of the attack as well as deal with containing the spreading virus. By not being able to keep pace with the disease’s rate of spread, a new catastrophic contingency emerges in which massive civilian casualties would overwhelm America’s emergency response capabilities.
The disastrous contingencies that would result in the massive loss of civilian life were used to exploit the weaknesses of the U.S. health care infrastructure and its inability to handle such a threat. The contingencies were also meant to address the widespread panic that would emerge and which would result in mass social breakdown and mob violence. Exploits would also include the many difficulties that the media would face when providing American citizens with the necessary information regarding safety procedures.
Would anyone care to ask me how excited I am, about the potential of this crazy, creepy, senile C’mon man having access to the nuclear button in our NEAR future or his sidekick the sleezy, breezy de Ville.

VOTE REPUBLICAN EVERYONE – PLEASE !! (asking for a friend from the north)