Snap Poll: Your Move

Well, I see my plan with the bait with the real estate didn’t work out, so


anno not from outer space

while getting the First Lady of these United States a gift for the White House Christmas tree

Milvets will vote for the winner

[Total_Soft_Poll id=”8″]

what’s Plan B you be asking me by now

I was figurin there’s gotta be to a way get that ole man of hers U.P. here

New move


He see his Woman wearing that plaid shawl

that should set him off as

“I didn’t buy you that, where you get that?”

“Ohh darlin, my favorite Yooper bought it for me, isn’t it just Marvelous?”

“What the hell is a Yooper?

should we open trade talks?

who’s their Ambassador?

Mike Pompeo get in here!

find out what Yoopers like an we’ll pay a visit”

“Pasties Sir

they love pasties with ketchup”

President Trump isn’t the only one who plays chess