Calls for ‘Unity’ Are…

Calls for ‘Unity’ Are Really Calls for Capitulation

America is once again being subjected to the inane brand of pseudo-patriotic sloganeering we saw during President Barack Obama’s tenure.  The “unity” they call for is nothing short of capitulation to authoritarianism. 

The media will pretend that the moral fabric of the nation must be mended after Republican rule. There will be solemn calls for national restoration and political harmony. Translation; the opposition party will kowtow and pass legislation they oppose. 

As David Harsanyi so aptly wrote;

“Unity is found in comity with your neighbors, in your churches, and schools, in your everyday interactions with your community. Politics is not a place for unity. It is a place for airing grievances. And we’ve got plenty.”

The Federalist

We can be polite and civil; however, no where is it mandated we capitulate to the destruction of our Republic.