Can She Really Be This Ignorant?

Representative Ilhan Omar (D, Mogadishu) is trying to take over for Hank “Guam is tipping over” Johnson as the stupidest member of Congress. In her latest bid for stupremacy she tweeted this gem:

“A single F-35 costs over $100 million. For that kind of money, we could feed 40 million kids. I’ve introduced legislation to block the sale of F-35s and other weapons to the UAE, a global human rights abuser. We should be focused on the deadly pandemic, not arming dictators.”

Where do I start? First off, and I’m having trouble even articulating this, what she’s describing isn’t how sales work. Even a third grader, and I literally just asked one, knows that’s not how sales work.

Unit cost for the current production block F-35 is right around $75 million, not the $100 million Omar quotes. So I suppose the number of kids that can (not) be fed is now 30 million?

She claims to want to block the sales because UAE is a “notorious human rights violator” and a “dictatorship”. Both are valid reasons if she actually cared about that. Turkey is both of those, and she had no issue with Turkey buying F-35s.

My guess is she’s still big mad that UAE signed the Abraham Accords with Bahrain and Israel. We know she’s a vicious anti-semite.