Election 2020 Update

First off I’d like to thank everyone who stopped by the live coverage of the Election night returns. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Special thanks to HAJ 5.0 for all his help last night.

Now, on to the update. Here’s where the Presidential race stands.

Joe Biden 238 EC50.1% Popular vote69,672,239 total votes
Donald Trump213 EC48.3% Popular vote67,101,248 total votes

Of the states yet to be called, and keep in mind these aren’t official totals, Trump has significant leads in Pennsylvania, 3,034,458 votes to 2,522,829 for Biden with 64% reporting, North Carolina, 2,732,104 to 2,655,392 with 94% reporting, Georgia, 2,382,470 to 2,280,258 with 94% reporting. I think it’s safe to call North Carolina and Georgia for Trump at this point. Pennsylvania still has a lot of votes to be counted, but should still break for Trump, 500,000 votes is a big hill to climb with the districts remaining there.

The remaining states, Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada, are considerably closer although they’re leaning towards Biden at this point. Nevada is the closest race this morning, with Biden holding on to a razor thin margin, 588,252 to 580,605 with 67% reporting. Wisconsin is at 1,630,334 Biden to 1,609,586 Trump with 95% reporting. And the final battleground state Michigan is leaning Biden at 2,582,814 to 2,548,672 with 96% reporting.

If Trump wins the states he’s leading in right now, NC, GA and PA he’ll have 264 electoral votes. In order to retain the White House he will need to pick up at least the 6 electoral college votes from Nevada.

The Senate seems safe for the Republican party, so far, only two seats have been flipped. In Colorado where John Hickenlooper beat incumbent republican Cory Gardner, and in Arizona, Mark Kelley beat incumbent Martha McSally. One of those losses was offset in Michigan, where John James beat Dem incumbent Gary Peters.

As of right now, the Republicans picked up 5 net seats in the house.

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Stay tuned for additional coverage as the remaining states get called. Results are expected from Nevada, Michigan and Wisconsin later today after they suspended the count late last night.