Election Day Musings

I’m going to preface this post with a caveat: I doubt we will get a definitive answer as to who won tonight. Several key states, notably Pennsylvania, don’t even start tabulating mail-in ballots until tomorrow.

There have been a near record number of ballots cast already. 97 million people have already voted, and that represents 71% of the total from 2016.

As I noted in yesterday’s View, businesses in cities across the country are forting up in advance of expected violent protests. I don’t think it’s going to matter who is eventually named the winner, there’s going to be riots. And it’s not the right that’s going to be the ones rioting.

There are several Court challenges pending regarding deadline extensions and signature verifications. While the Supreme Court did not issue injunctions in several cases, the cases are not done. The conservative wing of the court, led by Clarence Thomas, has signalled their intentions regarding courts rewriting election laws. It’s clearly stated that the State legislative bodies are the only bodies allowed to make or change election laws, and the conservatives on the high court have made it plain that the way they intend to rule. Thank God ACB got confirmed, because John Roberts is a disaster.

While we’re on the subject of court challenges, unless there’s a landslide victory by either candidate, something that I find very unlikely, expect a tsunami of lawsuits contesting the results. Think Bush v Gore times 10,000. There have already been more than 400 suits filed in regards to this election.

I’m not a big one for predictions, they have a way of biting me on the ass, but because I think I need to offer mine, here goes.

I think Trump gets reelected, but by a tiny margin, 281 – 257 in the electoral college and loses the popular vote by about a million votes. The Dems hold onto the house, but lose at least 10 seats. The Senate stays Republican, but we won’t get that total until the run off in Georgia come January.

Give us your predictions in the comments section below, I’m truly interested in what y’all think is going to happen.

Stay tuned for election night coverage here at Milvets and Patriots later tonight and continuing until we have the final results.