Great Tits Could Go Extinct Because Of Climate Change…

This has nothing to do motor boat so get your mind right already

models and different climate scenarios, researchers deduced that the songbirds wouldn’t be able to evolve in tandem with their prey forever.

“The larvae might be changing even faster than the great tits,” said Simmonds, who chalked up the evolutionary discrepancy to the “big greenhouse gas emissions.”

The report added, “We might reach a kind of threshold where the great tits aren’t keeping up. The rubber band gets stretched too far, you could say.”

In the worst-case scenario, researchers suggested, larvae hatched approximately 24 days earlier than the 2020 norm would cause the whole population of great tits to vanish by the year 2100 due to lack of food.

Fortunately, Simmonds said, “populations will be able to survive scenarios with lower or medium warming trends.”

Great tits aren’t the only fine-feathered friends feeling the heat from climate change. According to a report by Audobon, nearly two-thirds of America’s breeding avian species face extinction due to the global temperature spike.

More alarmingly, scientists speculate that global warming could wipe out one-third of all animal and plant life by 2070

So while enjoy a morning cup of coffee

perked never dripped

I’ll share some stuff

first things first it snowed yesterday

to which I’m pretty sure is the reason I didn’t see Great tits around here

come to think of it there are never Great tits around here

filed that under

location location location

I’ll a relate story

First off

I felt like I was the 2nd choice just by her tone and posture

then I remembered I did say

Kid I don’t care what the question is about

guns hunting fishing trapping trucks tools boys


Never thinking that would come back to bite me in the ass


kid what ya need

she just got home from school

you hurt? who hurt you?

no dad

what’s on your mind kid

dad all my friends have boobs or are growing boobs

what’s wrong with me?

I felt like I was just bitten in the ass as I putting the bastard file to the chainsaw chain

there are moments when Marine Corps thinking kicks in like 2nd nature

I speak of

Access overcome move-on

without turning the angle of file wrong as I continued sharping

I said, kid look it’s like this

you get what you get and and that’s all you’re gonna get

so be happy you get something

feel better?

I suppose so dad

just because dads do things different don’t make us wrong

and another thing

dads may be dumb

but we dads

we ain’t so dumb

as you all know some payback was in order for being tested in such manner

years later we were over at my sis’s place

her and my sis had a bet to which I was the center of

dad you see all them football players wearing pink ? here put this on real men wear pink dad

after it was on

I said

kid you think all them football players should wear Brown ribbons?

Brown ribbons dad?

yeah to show support for colon cancer

Jesus dad!


boonholes are important too