This will be the third time I have posted on the existence of The HAMMER, which is a super-computer developed for purposes of gathering intelligence information on foreign entities and came about as a result of the Patriot Act, during the Bush Administration and was managed by the NSA.

The first journalists to report on the existence of The Hammer were Mary Fanning and Alan Jones, who are the publishers of The American Report. We would encourage everyone to read their summation of events; how The HAMMER was originally developed for the purposes of foreign surveillance and then was subsequently commandeered by the Obama Administration on February 3, 2009 and relocated to Fort Washington, Maryland.

Name origin trivia sourced: (1) (HAMR) (Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording) See HAMR. (2) (Hammer) The code name for AMD’s 64-bit CPU chips using 0.13 process technology. The Sledgehammer was introduced as the Opteron in 2003 for servers and workstations, and the Clawhammer began as the AMD Athlon 64.

However, let us first listen to a recent interview with Joe Biden:


What was Joe Biden speaking about? “we have put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics“. Biden goes on to say this was also utilized during the Obama administration.

We are only going to look at ONE aspect of the fraud, at this time. The manipulation of the voting machines; which is a nice way of saying – code written in to the algorithms (no, there are NO “glitches”). Also, know as Scorecard. Scorecard has the ability to alter individual votes for specific candidates within The HAMMER (during 2016 as much as 3% and 2020 is suggested to be 7 to 8%). The developer contracted by Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney was a programmer by the name of Dennis Montgomery.

This would also seem to explain why ballots were videoed being delivered at 4 AM, the morning of November 4th – had the Trump votes exceeded the 7 to 8%. However, the mail-in ballots are not covered in this report

During the following 2017 interview, Dr. Dave Janda‘s guest General Tom McInerny explains how The Hammer was weaponized against the American citizens. Also, Admiral Ace Lyons supported the release of this information to the public.

Dr. Janda’s background:  M.D. was a practicing orthopedic surgeon based in Ann Arbor, Michigan and a member of a nine-member orthopedic surgery group from 1989 until his retirement from medical practice on January 1, 2017.
After leaving the University of Michigan, Dr. Janda founded the Institute for Preventative Sports Medicine. Dr. Janda, through the Institute, has brought together leaders in injury prevention and sports medicine, and continues to produce high quality work that has an impact on the everyday lives of the public at large. Dr. Janda was appointed by the first Bush Administration to the Board of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. https://davejanda.com

Readers you will note that these two presentations are available in audio format, only and that is to insure that they remain available to the public for as long as possible….


The following interview by Dr. Dave Janda and guest, investigative journalist, Mary Fanning expands upon the recent events leading up to the 2020 election.

And you may be saying to yourself, why was this allowed to go on for such an extensive amount of time? And why was the Voter Fraud not challenged earlier? This may answer that question….


Now, let’s consider the voting machines themselves – Dominion Voting System (not the super-computer, The Hammer or the software, Scorecard which is capable of altering the votes).

Please note – these voting machines were used in 33 states.


See Also: Esper Out

Comment: I can’t find the evidence (presently) to show that foreign election were interfered with or altered; but it has been stated by others that the Ukraine election was altered, as well as other foreign elections. Inclusive of the fact it was apparent to everyone that Bernie Sanders, should have been the DNC Presidential candidate in 2016. Therefore, in light of the fact that the Trudeau Administration (Canada) was so scandal ridden coming in to the 2019 election, this too would seem most feasible; as once again mail-in voting complaints abounded, as well as complaints regarding the irregularities of the in-person voting results.