Is it better?

To sit outside with a cold North wind and think of God then to sit in church and think about hunting & fishing?

Both place are made of Wood & Stone

that’s up to the individual

no judging here

so no judging will be accepted

there is this to think about

After a successful hunt

there is much work to be done and well worth the effort

for many will share the bounty of the harvest

Sorri Brother for killing you

We honor your Courage

your Cunning

your Strength

all that was good in you is now part of us

Thank you for another day of Life

One day we all shall return to the good earth

it’s then we shall nourish the Life that follows us

in what ever form it takes


when you were born and you cried

the World rejoiced

Live your Life

so when you die

the World cries and you rejoice