It Is A ContestedElection

The Fourth Estate is constructing a façade of legitimacy to cover up the widespread voting irregularities and outright fraud that gave us “President-Elect Biden.” 

It matters not to them they refused to cover his history of racism, influence peddling, serial plagiarism, and conspicuous cognitive decline.  

They called the election prematurely for the erstwhile Vice President. They expect the electorate to accept their word that Biden has won the presidency — a month before he is actually elevated to that office by the Electoral College.

Since prematurely declaring the winner, they have been plaguing President Trump to concede. Although they never considered him a legitimate President, they expect him, they expect him to concede, because concessions are an honored American tradition. 

There are many who ask why he should not concede. The answer is the myriad of voting irregularities. Should these issues be ignored, credibility in our electoral process would be gone.  Christian Mysliwiec wrote, in the Daily Signal

“The reason our democratic republic has functioned as well as it has for the past 231 years is because of our trust in the electoral process.” 

Should faith in the electoral process disappear, because the Democrats block attempts to verify the accuracy of vote counts and the media continue to make the utterly implausible claim that election fraud is virtually nonexistent, there will be a profoundly destabilizing effect.

David Catron, writing for The American Spectator, said, 

“AP has no more authority to declare Biden the winner of the election than does your cat. More importantly for the 2020 election, it provides no authority whereby a court may override the manner in which a state legislature chooses its electors. The Elections and Electors Clause is the primary cause of action in the lawsuit just filed by the Trump campaign against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Trump will win this lawsuit and most of the others his campaign has filed because the states involved circumvented the Constitution. Trump would be crazy to concede the election. If only legal votes are counted, he will be reelected.” 

I find his positivity lifting my spirits.