Kyle Rittenhouse Out on Bail

17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse has been released from jail after posting a $2 million dollar bond. The teen has been charged with two counts of murder for killing two assailants and wounding a third during rioting in Kenosha Wisconsin earlier this year.

His release came over the objections of family members and lawyers for two of the men he shot. They had asked for higher bail and voiced concerns Rittenhouse would flee, which his lawyers have said he would not.

The 17-year-old’s release was funded by donations sought by his attorneys, who appealed to the political right, where Rittenhouse is popular. Those lawyers also are seeking to overturn Democratic President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

An attorney set up the payment and then a private security detail transported him from the jail about 2 p.m. Friday, according to Sgt. David Wright of the Kenosha County sheriff’s department.

L. Lin Wood, one of a team of attorneys defending Rittenhouse set up a fund for the teens defense. The majority of the donations were small, and came from hundreds of individuals.

With a little luck, Kyle will get through this without any more damage than he’s already experienced.