Phil Scott is a Republican. What is he thinking?

First things first

I think I’ll be rather disappointed when the Black Friday video’s begin to get posted

after all the


that has taken place Black Friday video may end up being like


2nd item of interest

There was a brief stand off over the mashed potatoes which I was holding

and that Trashole across from me who held the gravy

he is referred to as the Pol-german to which my sis says I shouldn’t refer to her hubby as that

Sis, next year I’ll make the cranberry sause as to keep the Peace at the table how’s that?

that would be nice of you Chance

so I’m thinking cranberries and NYQUIL

should make Thanksgiving dinner Quiet and Peaceful

I view him as just an obstacle

we all know how Marines love obstacles

we seek them out to distroy them for the purpose of finding the next one

In related Thanksgiving dinner news:

Vermont Gov. Phil Scott is giving schools the green light to interrogate students about their Thanksgiving activities following the break.

According to Scott, students or parents who admit to violating the state’s holiday travel and gathering rules will be forced to participate in online school for two weeks, he announced via Twitter on Tuesday. The penalty will be reduced to one week if the students in question take a COVID-19 test.

The same quarantine method, Scott claimed, should apply to businesses whose employees decide to celebrate the Thanksgiving holidays with friends and family.

“This isn’t a way around the ban or an excuse to get together,” he wrote. “The more we adhere to this policy, the faster we’ll lower case counts & ease up on restrictions.”

This is tyranny

government should not be asking children to snitch on their own families

This is not a R/D or right/left fight

it’s between Right and wrong

Good and evil

next up for the CommiepinkoBastards


Luke 22:36

If you do not own a sword

sell your cloak and buy one