Sidney Powell’s Twitter Account Suspended

main image of Sidney Powell from, Defending the Republic

Over the past seven days, Kraken Releaser/Attorney Sidney Powell has appeared on just about every news program being broadcast, except for Tucker Carlson’s show. There was a bit of a hullabaloo . . . Carlson claims he was denied evidence of Powell’s accusations of rigged elections when negotiating her guest appearance. Powell has refuted this story, saying Carlson declined her offer to review an affidavit previously unseen by pundit eyes as well as the opportunity to interview one of her witnesses. Carlson says Powell’s refusal to show him all her discovery evidence renders her claims unbelievable. Powell says she will never appear on Tucker Carlson’s show because he is a rude jerk (paraphrased.) One wonders if basic manners aren’t hiding out on the island with Tupac Shakur and Elvis.

Aside from the Tucker Carlson dust up, Sidney Powell has been busy improving political talk show ratings with her unique manner and intriguing accusations. It seems as though Powell’s definitive statement style is rubbing our Big Tech Big Brothers the wrong way, though. Last night, Ms. Powell’s twitter account was reportedly suspended for twelve hours. Without knowing her Twitter account had been suspended, observers of Twitterverse events that had unfolded over the past 16 hours or so mistakenly labeled Powell’s surprising reticence as The Silence of the Guilty Accused.

Silent? Sidney Powell? Pshaw.

Ms. Jenna Ellis, one of the lawyers leading the Trump Legal Team investigating election fraud, started this whole mess when she set the world afire by tweeting out the following statement (timestamp 5:23 PM – Nov 22, 2020):

Wow. Clearly stating established fact or do the other members of the team think Sid is bat sh*t crazy and don’t want to get any on ’em? 🤔

A few hours after Ms. Ellis’ news hit the Twitter waves, former national security adviser Mike Flynn, who is being represented by Ms. Powell in his personal legal battle against Federal perfidy, tweeted out (timestamp 7:37 PM – Nov 22, 2020) some Sidney Powell news of his own:

OK, then, I suppose. It’s suspected Powell’s account was suspended because she has been naming names, accusing politicians and voting system companies of being part of a great election fraud conspiracy. Go get in the corner and think about what you’ve done, bad girl! (Jack Dorsey has a secret room full of guilty pleasures, I’ll just bet.)

Though silenced by the God of Twit, Ms. Powell found a way to release her own statement in response to the Trump Legal Team tweet in which she confirms the news that she is not, and never has been, formally retained to work for President Trump or his campaign. She’s not billed them for her services, either. (I’ve not found the original To and From designees for this statement; archived copy can be found, here)

#KrakenOnSteroids, love it. 😄

While some are eager to write off this declaration and confirmation of non-separation (she was never part of the legal team so is unable to separate from same) as evidence that Sidney Powell is a QAnon conspiracy theorist intoxicated by wingnut fumes so her allegations ought not be considered or taken seriously, there are other ways to interpret a clearly communicated difference in legal objectives.

The investigation into Dominion and Smartmatic has always been Sidney Powell’s puppy rather than the entire team’s pet. During last week’s press briefing, Joseph diGenova (another “senior member” of the legal team), looked uncomfortable when Powell would accuse a particular person of having a hand in election fraud schemes, or when she made definitive statements about certain election technology companies. Those are big accusations to toss around, even if they are able to be proven in a court of law. If one never gets to the courtroom to validate the accusations, one is open to all manner of lawsuits. Not to mention the effect unsubstantiated claims of malfeasance tend to have on career-related ambition; especially if one has also been branded a, “conspiracy theorist” by cowpokes trying to play cowboy in our press outlets.

Detractors of the US Constitution have found it an easy trick, spinning Powell’s suggestions of a corrupt electronic voting system industry into conspiracy theory bunk. Doing so imbues all instances of election fraud accusation with a puff of doubt and colors supporters of these accusations as twitchy people wearing foil hats. Driving these doubts makes it simpler for people seeking a national, fundamental transformation to turn the gazes of others away from valid election integrity concerns. Keeping the investigators looking into electronic voting systems apart from the attorneys looking into and prosecuting other instances of election fraud helps stem any CONSPIRACY! bleedover. Powell working independently for We, the People also provides her a great deal of liberty she may not have enjoyed working under Presidential retainer; she is free to wander wherever the trail may lead. Her findings are not constrained to the narrow parameters of proving or disproving innocence or guilt for one client; Powell is working for 74 million of us. Neither can Donald Trump be accused of sending “his” attorney out to dig up dirt against our enemies if he has not hired the attorney. Smart.

Election fraud is real, just like COVID-19. How widespread and malignant are the questions. Hokey nonsense and anomalies ran amock in our 2020 General Election. Nonsense and anomalies like over-representation (more votes than voters), dead people submitting ballots, people receiving more than one ballot, falsified documents, batches of ballots sent from one location, lack of oversight while tallying absentee votes, etc – all of the accusations of fraud warrant a second, close look. Claims and allegations of exploited vulnerabilities in our election process abound in discussions that do not include electronic voting systems. Endeavoring to expose wrongdoing in an international technology industry will take a long time and potentially involve nations other than just the United States of America. Another good reason why legal proceedings against digital election system vendors ought be pursued separate from other more readily resolved challenges in US of A election processes.

At the end of the day, Sidney Powell’s Twitter account will be up and running and by Friday, we should see if her declaration of big news this week ultimately proves out. That’s about all the prognosticating ability I can muster on this one, Powell plays her cards close to the vest. Let’s hope it’s a royal flush she’s holding and not a pair of threes.

What do you think?
Is Sidney Powell going to send Mr, Kraken to Washington or does she just want to show off all of her animal print apparel?