Sun Triggers Lightning, Climate Models Stumble Nov.1.2020

I was looking at just afew of the dire circumstances I have lived through, I suspect many of you have as well

1967: ‘Dire famine by 1975.

Source: Salt Lake Tribune, November 17, 1967

1969: ‘Everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1989.

Source: New York Times, August 10 1969

1970: Ice age by 2000

Source: Washington Post, July 9, 1971

1972: New ice age by 2070

2009: Prince Charles says only 8 years to save the planet

That’s enough of that

How does one file that garbage, well I’ll tell ya

As long as people accept crap

it will be profitable to dispense it

welcome to the memory warehouse

don’t touch nothin , I know where everything is

from the Suspicious Observer

Earth mafia boss

al gorleroni

al, you see this yooper chick / babe / hottie / keeper

She’d skin you Al

smile while she’s doing it

that is her SMILE

Don’t believe me that’s a yooper chick

type in yooper woman

you’ll see