Take a breath… unplug

Maybe it’s the fact I’m getting more than my fair share fresh air

Could be I’m just here to be a reminder of who we are as a people

We work hard so life demands we play hard

it’s just the natural order of America

this will be filed under play time Was a time I went to the movies

was never really big on soda

sneaking in some early times or maybe Canadian mist to along with the good & plenty wasn’t a rare thing

go to rest room the smoke was so thick, looked like King Lioue’s caddy when glover stepped out, stalls scribbled with the normal stuff which make today’s mind numb robots

clutch their crotch like they be having an outbreak of herpes

Enough of that Instead of music

how posting a favorite scene from a film

doing that will probably bring back people an places not though of in a long time

Always did like Slim Pickens

if he wasn’t a real cowboy

he sure acted like one