The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Oneida Lake from Verona beach state park.

Today’s View will be necessarily short. The election took all the air out of the room and there isn’t much other news. You can find all of our election coverage here and here.

Oregon is all but gone now. Oregonians voted to decriminalize hard drugs like meth, cocaine, and heroin in a 59-41% vote. According to the Associated Press, “the Oregon drug initiative will allow people arrested with small amounts of hard drugs to avoid going to trial, and possible jail time, by paying a $100 fine and attending an addiction recovery program.” Good night Oregon.

Today is the 41st anniversary of the storming of the US embassy in Tehran Iran. That event kicked off a 444 day captivity for 52 American hostages held by the islamic republic of Iran.

Read Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s statement about the hostage crisis here.

Attorney General William P. Barr and Justice Department leadership today announced the recipients of the Fourth Annual Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in Policing, recognizing the exceptional work of 23 law enforcement officers and deputies from 12 jurisdictions across the country. The Attorney General’s Award recognizes individual state, local, and tribal sworn rank-and-file police officers and deputies for exceptional efforts in policing. The awarded officers and deputies have demonstrated active engagement with the community in one of three areas: criminal investigations, field operations or innovations in community policing. This year, the department received 214 nominations recognizing a total of 355 individual officers, deputies, and troopers. There were 39 states represented in the nomination pool, covering state, local, campus, sheriff, and other agency types. You can find all the awardees here.

See also: a Song for America

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