Today’s featured image is of the Mohawk River near Illion NY.
Today’s View starts with a small reminder: the Presidential election is not over. Despite what Fox News and the other MSM outlets would have you believe, the results are not official until the secretaries of state certify and submit them to their state legislatures. The Media, all their protestations to the contrary do not decide elections.
There hasn’t been much change in the totals today other than Trump gaining about 6k votes on Biden in AZ, and frankly I don’t expect to see much movement for several days yet. Between the mandatory recounts in GA and WI and the petitioned recount in MI and PA, it’s going to take some time to get this squared away.
While we’re on election news, the Republican state attorney generals association has entered the fray in PA. They’ve submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court concerning that case. There have been multiple indications that at least 4 of the Justices are willing to strike down the PA Supreme Court ruling that extended the deadline for mail-in ballots and suspended the signature requirements of same.
That crap is coming from the governor who oversaw the most deaths and second highest fatality rate for this disease. Well, looking on the bright side, if Biden does win, I won’t have to deal with Andy anymore. Everyone will.
Comedian Norm Crosby has died. He had a 1970’s TV show “Norm Crosby’s Comedy Shop” and performed as a stand-up from the 1960’s. Norm was 93. Crosby is survived by his wife Joan Foley, two children, Andrew and Daniel, and two grandchildren.
Remember, remember the 5th of November. . .
I don’t know how I missed this, but I did. And no, I’m not talking about Guy Fawkes/Bonfire night. I’m talking about how the MSM tried to spin the usual fireworks in Britain as being in response to Biden winning the election. Seems they also tried to hang the same reasoning on some Parisian churches ringing their bells.

See also: Esper Out
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