The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Seneca Lake.

Another day, another Republican Woman beats a Democrat man. This time its Nicole Malliotakis from New York’s 11th congressional district. She’s only the second republican to be elected in that district, which contains Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn, since 1944. Incumbent Max Rose issued a concession statement today congratulating Nicole.

Speaking of Republican women, it looks like Mariannette Miller-Meeks won her race in Iowa’s second district. After an audit and re-canvass, she holds a 34 vote lead over her opponent.

Uh-oh Joe, she big mad. . . .

She has crazy eyes, look out Joe. It probably would be best for all involved if Sandy went back to tending bar.

This one has me a little . . . Perplexed. A judge in California has ruled that strip clubs in San Diego county can reopen on 1st amendment grounds. San Diego Superior Court judge Joel R. Wohlfeil ordered the state to end any actions that prevent the clubs from “being allowed to provide live adult entertainment,” according to the decision.

Ok then. . . .

Rabbit Hash Kentucky has a new Mayor. Say hello to Wilbur Beast.

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