The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of the Chenango river near Binghamton NY.

I hate that I have to say this, but it’s looking very unlikely that the President will succeed in his efforts to get reelected. He gave up in Arizona, and had some major setbacks in both Michigan and Pennsylvania court cases. SCOTUS still has a case involving Pennsylvania before it, and some of the justices have hinted they’ll rule the Pennsylvania supreme court was in error when they rewrote PA election law.

DiFi wants Lindsey 2.0 to stop confirming Federal Judges in the lame duck session. She even wrote a strongly worded letter. Fortunately, whatever John McCain had on Lindsey Graham died with him. Lindsey said, politely of course, go pound sand Diane.

The President gave remarks today about the vaccines and treatments for the Chinese coronavirus.

New York governor Andy Cuomo is a petty tyrant. With the flourish of a pen, Tovarich Cuomo is forcing bars, restaurants and gyms to close at 10pm and is restricting private gatherings to 10 people. The Erie County NY Sheriff isn’t playing along. . .

Handy Andy isn’t the only democrat governor laying out new Chinese Lung AIDS restrictions for Thanksgiving. Both Illinois’ JB Pritzker and Virginia’s Ralph Northam are placing more restrictive rules in place.

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