The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of the West Pierhead light in Oswego Harbor.

The Douche that runs my state, Andy Cuomo, his attorney general, Leticia James and a bunch of idiots in the media have all purposely misconstrued a statement by the President on distribution of the newly approved Chinese lung AIDS vaccine. Handy Andy, who never saw a microphone he didn’t want to fellate, ran in front of a bunch of cameras last week saying he would slow roll the distro of the vaccines until his own health department said it was safe.

So, Trump being Trump, he took the time to call out Andy’s stupidity in a presser yesterday. And the world ended.

Or not.

Definitely not.

Although listening to the dolts in the media you’d get that idea.

It gets worse, the cretin of an attorney general here decided that she needed to threaten legal action. Best serve those papers to Andy at the executive manse in albany Tisha, he’s the one gumming up the works.

Los Angeles has a problem. The jellyfish of a mayor, Eric Garcetti caved to the BLM crowd and cut funding to the LAPD. Chief Michel Moore has announced that 350 sworn positions will be eliminated over the next year. In addition to the actual cuts/reassignments by the LAPD, expect the number of officer retirements to surge and for an exodus of officers who can’t retire yet to other jurisdictions in California and beyond. A recent survey conducted by the LAPPL found that 9 out of 10 LAPD officers would retire today if they could, showing that morale is beyond rock bottom.

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