The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Green Lak. The lake is located in Green Lakes State Park near Fayetteville NY.

We all know about the run-offs for the two Senate seats in Georgia. What you may not know about are the statements of one of the democratic challengers made. Raphael Warnock, who is a preacher, said the following during a sermon:

“America nobody can serve God and the military” and to “choose ye this day whom you will serve!”

In the days since this statement, he’s gotten some severe pushback. The most recent comes from a group of more than 4 dozen georgia veterans calling for Warnock to suspend his campaign.

“Raphael Warnock’s comments about military men and women are despicable and flat-out wrong,” the veterans said in a statement. “Here in Georgia, true leaders recognize the service and sacrifice of all who have courageously defended our nation’s freedom.” They added that is is “sad to see Raphael Warnock is more interested in insulting and condemning our military than in building communities that support and protect them.”

Color me shocked. Joe Biden had a cancer research charity. Formed in 2017, after the end of his term in the White House, the Joe Biden Cancer Initiative was controlled by the former VP. Playing off the name of his son, Beau, who died of a malignant brain tumor, the charity raised more than $5 million in two years.

Wanna guess how much of that money went to fund cancer research? 0 dollars. More than half went to pay for salaries and the rest went to holding “conferences”.

Slush fund much Joe. . .

Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer held a “listening session” earlier this week. Needless to say, it didn’t go well for Chuckles. There is at least some doubt he’ll hold on to his position come next year. He backed several high profile losers like Amy McGrath in Kentucky and whoever ran against Lindsey Graham in South Carolina. The dem Senate election committee dumped around $250 million into those two losers, and the rest of his caucus is rightfully angry.

Several county sheriffs in New York have publicly stated they will not be enforcing the latest Chinese Coronavirus restrictions from the governor. This isn’t sitting well with Il Duce in Albany.

Andy Cuomo lashed out during a presser saying such an attitude “is, frankly, frightening to me as an individual, frightening to democracy. It’s arrogant, and it violates your constitutional duty.”

Yeah, about that you f*cking hypocrite. There are several “sanctuary cities” in NY. I, and many other New Yorkers are tiring of Andy and his wannabe gangster attitude.

In case you didn’t know, this editor is seriously crushing on South Dakota Gov Kristi Noem. Not only did she not lockdown her state, the unemployment rate there is at 3.6%.

And she’s cute. . . .

While I won’t say I’m crushing on Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, I will say I’m a fan. He had a press event with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu while in Israel. During that event he condemned the BDS movement and committed to defunding any organization that supports it.

For those of you unfamiliar with that movement, BDS stands for boycott, divest and sanction and it’s targeted at Israel is at its core anti-semitic.

“Today, I want to make one announcement with respect to a decision by the State Department that we will regard the global anti-Israel BDS campaign as anti-Semitic,” Pompeo said while speaking with Bibi. “I know this sounds simple to you, Mr. Prime Minister, it seems. It seems like a statement of fact but I want you to know that we will immediately take steps to identify organizations that engage in hateful BDS conduct and withdraw U.S. government support for such groups.”

About goddamned time . . . .

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