The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Tupper Lake. Tupper lake, along with Lake Placid and Saranac lake, make up the Tri-Lake region of the Adirondack park.

There’s a bit of Chinese lung AIDS news today. A study published in the journal Nature confirmed that asymptomatic spread just doesn’t happen.

I have continually railed against the magical properties ascribed to the novel coronavirus of 2019. It is a coronavirus, and as such it has certain properties and behaviors. There were decades of research into respiratory viruses in general, and coronaviruses specifically, that were simply discarded in March as public health “professionals” rushed to lay claim to their empires. I tire of it. Too bad none of those responsible will pay any price.

Speaking of the WuFlu and lockdowns, Texas governor Greg Abbot just said there wasn’t going to be a second lockdown in Texas.

I’m a bit Chinese coronavirus heavy today. Oregon governor Kate Brown is encouraging residents in her state to snitch on people who are violating her “restrictions”. The restrictions, known as a freeze, were implemented this week via an executive order by the governor. For the next two weeks in Oregon, and four weeks in Multnomah County, residents are banned from eating out at restaurants and going to the gym, among other restrictions. Social gatherings in our homes are also limited to no more than six people. Violators could face up to 30 days in jail, $1,250 in fines or both.

Because, you know, encouraging people to rat each other out always ends well. If you’re Stalin or Hitler or Pol Pot maybe, because that’s how that ends up. Always.

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