The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Eighth Lake. Part of the Fulton Chain of lakes, Eighth Lake is located near Inlet, in Hamilton county NY.

Center for Disease Control Director Robert Redfield said to expect a vaccine rollout in the next few weeks. “I do think we’ll have about 40 million doses of vaccine before the end of the…year,” Redfield said. “That’s enough to vaccinate 20 million people. But then it will continue through January and February and hopefully by March we’ll start to see vaccine available for the general public.”

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan claims to be a Republican. He is not. He is a Stalinist authoritarian. He is also not very smart. During a press conference he compared mask wearing and drunk driving.

“Well, it’s sort of like saying, ‘I have a Constitutional right to drive drunk. I have a Constitutional right to not wear a seatbelt,’ or to yell ‘fire’ in a crowded movie theatre or to not follow the speed limit. We’re talking about a quarter of a million people dying already. More than the Korean War, the Gulf War, and the Vietnam War added together,” Hogan said.

“Which part do you not understand? Wear a mask. There’s no Constitutional right to walk around without a mask. We did it in 1918, I don’t know why we can’t do it now,” Hogan continued.

There are a couple of things the dunce from Maryland is missing. First, masking mandates, like most of the rest of the covidiot requirements, are not constitutional. Nowhere in our Founding Documents is that kind of power grab authorized. Second, driving is a privilege. You dunce.

I noted the absurd number of cops leaving the Seattle PD earlier today. In another city wracked by both violence and a retarded defund the police city council the courts have allowed a suit brought by residents to go forward.

Hennepin County District Court Judge Jamie Anderson on Friday ruled  Minneapolis residents have standing to sue the city over an alleged police staffing violation.

Anderson’s order rejected the city of Minneapolis’ attempt to throw out the lawsuit because residents lacked standing to sue…

Cathy Spann, one of the plaintiffs, said: “The Court rightly rejected the City’s attempt to have our lawsuit dismissed because we haven’t taken bullets ourselves, as we have watched our neighborhoods become full of violence and stray bullets,” Spann said in a statement.

 The suit was filed by a group of plaintiffs who argue the city is legally obligated to maintain a minimum number of police officers on the force based on the population of the city. The Minneapolis City Charter states the city must maintain 0.0017 police per resident. Given the city’s current size, that works out to 743 officers. But at present the MPD is at least 100 officers below that.

Utah wildlife biologists and pilots from the Utah DPS were counting bighorn sheep in the high desert when they saw something out of the ordinary.

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