The View from Here

Today’s featured image is of Cross lake. The lake is an oxbow of the Seneca river located near Cato in Onondaga county NY.

I’d like to take a second on this Thanksgiving eve to thank you constant reader. You’re the reason this site exists. Go raibh maith agat! Happy Thanksgiving, may you and yours have much to be thankful for. A quick programming note, your editor plans on spending the day in the woods and the evening stuffing his face, so there will be no View tomorrow. It will return at it’s regular time Friday.

Now on to the news. . . .

This just broke within the past couple of hours. President Trump has issued a full pardon to his former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

Now some Election related news. First, a Nevada judge has scheduled an evidentiary hearing for 3 December. This is a pretty big win for the Trump team.

Next up is some news out of Pennsylvania. A judge there has issued an injunction Wednesday blocking any potential further certification of election results in the state, pending a hearing to be held Friday.

I’m not a huge fan of Marco Rubio, but he nails it here.

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