Voters Rejected Identity Politics

We have no final knowledge as to who the next president will be. The exit polling and vote totals, we currently have, do reveal one thing quite clearly: American voters rejected identity politics. Woke voices declared minorities were obligated to vote for specific candidates or they would be betraying their “group”. 

The fact is minorities rejected this edict. That racist, homophobe, residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, sustained gains in every minority as well as the LGBT group. 

Mike Gonzalez wrote in the WSJ, 

“The concept that the country should be divided into aggrieved categories based on race, national origin or sex—now a core tenet of the Democratic Party—lost from coast to coast.”

This is good news. We should hope to see an America where members of all groups are first and foremost free to think and vote as individuals based on their personal values.