What Happens To The Polling Industry If Trump Wins?

What Happens To The Polling Industry If Trump Wins? 

In the polling industry, again, things look very much like 2016. 

Every major national poll shows President Trump trailing Joe Biden.

In 2016, we saw how badly the polling industry failed. They went all-in on Hillary Clinton only to realize that they had gotten it drastically wrong. In 2020, they are doing the same with Biden. Ironically, Biden’s own campaign has warned that polls showing him with a double-digit lead over Trump are inaccurate. 

What happens if the polling industry gets it wrong again? 

Well known pollster Frank Luntz has stated if Trump wins re-election, the industry is finished. 

In an interview on Wednesday with Larry King, he said,

“The industry is done.”

He added, 

“The profession is done. They were so clear in declaring Hillary Clinton as the winner in 2016, and they were wrong, and now, they’re doing the same thing with Joe Biden in 2020. If Donald Trump can come back and confound the experts, the polling profession is finished as a profession. If the polling is wrong, then my profession is not just gonna have egg in the face, it’s gonna have pie in the face, it is gonna look like Soupy Sales in the 1960s.”

People, with working grey matter, understand the polling questions are written to support the position of the organization doing the polling. People, with working grey matter, understand the majority of pollsters are in the same bailiwick as the media pundits. From my personal perspective, the loss of the professional pollsters will be a huge win for everyday citizens. 

Hopefully, in the next few days, we will see an end to the polling industry.