Attorney General Barr…

On today’s The View From Here, KITDAFBS posted the following comment. 

Attorney General William Barr announced he was resigning yesterday. Quite frankly, I don’t think the President, and many of you have treated him at all fairly. The man dealt with the minefield that was the Trump presidency with class and grace. And be clear, it was a minefield from the start for everyone the President appointed.


I unequivocally, and totally, agree with the comment. 

Shown below is a copy of AG Barr’s letter to the President. He chose to be classy and dignified. 

In an early edition of The Patriot Post, théy provided what seems an excellent perspective on AG Barr’s Service.

As for the job Barr did, consider the cleanup he faced upon taking the job. Barack Obama had turned the Justice Department into a political weapon not just against Trump but against conservatives all over the nation. Barr was tasked with returning the department to upholding Rule of Law, and in the deep-state swamp, that’s a tall order.