Biden Reportedly Considering..

Biden Reportedly Considering Andrew Cuomo For Attorney General

Per Bloomberg, Biden is considering Andrew Cuomo for his Attorney General.

Additional names oh his list include; Alabama Senator Doug Jones, U.S. Circuit Court Judge Merrick Garland and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.

Personally, I cannot see Cuomo as a viable choice, nor Sally Yates. Both have to much baggage to survive confirmation. 

Judge Garland would, likely, be easily confirmed as a sop to his not making it to SCOTUS. One has to wonder if he would want to give up a seat on a Federal District Court for an uncertain tenure. 

As to Senator Jones, what a lovely opportunity. His replacement would be selected by Alabama’s Governor, who just happens to be a Republican. Having said that, it is unlikely, in my personal opinion, that Biden’s team would overlook that salient point. Would they chance placing another Republican in the Senate?