Calm Before the Storm?

We now enter day 55 subsequent to the election of November 3. While many leaders throughout the world were quick to praise the success of Joe Biden, who spent the majority of his time in his basement, rather than campaigning; inclusive of Kamala Harris’ rare appearances. The MSM also declared Biden’s bid as victorious, as though the media were the ones to call the election results. Not true – but, according to those who have interfered for decades in elections past – this decision rested solely with themselves. So, now we arrive almost two months later; wherein, they were still counting ballots 2 weeks after November 3. A total of 52,408 Americans have filed affidavits as witnesses to voter fraud. Dominion Voting Systems/Smartmatic operated with servers in Frankfurt, Germany and Barcelona, Spain which was the voting system used in 31 States. Expert testimonies and analysis has been provided by Patrick Byrne former CEO of Overstock, as well as Phillip Kline director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, plus others. Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and Rudy Guillani held multiple evidence based testimonies in swing states; inclusive of filing multiple legal court challenges showing China, Iran & Venezuela+ foreign interference. Mark Zuckerberg, FaceBook’s CEO spent $400 million to interfere in the election results in the swing states, which was illegal. Ballots produced in China, were transported from Canada and Mexico; as well as, ballots were driven and flown across multiple states lines – also, illegal. Texas, who refused the use of the DVS voting system, filed with SCOTUS as to the implication of the election outcome, caused by the swing states and it was tossed out with a quick dismissal of “No Standing”. Even the FBI, approximately two weeks prior to the election expressed concerns, as to the potential of election interference.

These are simply the highlights, of the past two months of No election fraud, as it relates to Joe Biden and forget the prior four years of continual attacks to the Trump Russian fraud. Those actions were all warranted and correct /s. And the powers that be, are loosing control, because “We the People” are no longer their $600 subjects, serfs, comrades, or pheasants. The “people” are to exist on $2.50/per day, own nothing and be happy. Gladly, endorsing this subsistence/existence. Slavery is color blind to those who have perpetuated this barbarism for centuries.