Dianne Feinstein’s Mental…

Dianne Feinstein’s Mental Decline Has Her Staff, Chuck Schumer in ‘Pain’

Erin Schaff/The New York Times via AP

According to her staff, Senator Dianne Feinstein’s mental decline has become so serious the staff compares her situation with “taking away car keys from an elderly relative.”

It has been reported that Chuck Schumer has had conversations with her about stepping down as the ranking member of the Senate Judicial Committee.

Jane Myer, of the New Yorker wrote:

“Overtures were also made to enlist the help of Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum. Feinstein, meanwhile, was surprised and upset by Schumer’s message. He had wanted her to step aside on her own terms, with her dignity intact, but “she wasn’t really all that aware of the extent to which she’d been compromised.”

Writing for the Free Beacon, Graham Piro, wrote:

***”has issues with short-term memory, frequently forgetting briefings she receives from staff and becoming upset when she gets confused.”

An individual, who is a former Senate aid, stated Senator Feinstein’s staff are in a difficult position. According to that person, Feinstein’s “staff is in such a bad position,” because “they have to defend her and make her seem normal.”

 In fact, it is not Senator Feinstein’s staffs job to “make her seem normal”. It is their job, as well as others within the Senate, to recognize what is happening and to step aside with her dignity intact.

Though one may disagree with Senator Feinstein’s politics, one can still feel sorrow that her abilities are so diminished. Hopefully, someone will be able to gently guide her to doing the “right thing”.