Frankfurt Germany Scytl Server Seizure Saga so far

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A World View Weekend, World View Report (WVR) telephone interview conducted and aired November 29 has taken the world by storm. Well, the world inhabitants interested in Justice and legitimate elections, at any rate. In the WVR interview, host Brannon Howse talks with Gen. Michael Flynn (his first public comments since receiving a Presidential pardon), Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney and American Report author, Mary Fanning. Fanning and Alan Jones co-authored the book, THE HAMMER is the Key to the Coup “The Political Crime of the Century”: How Obama, Brennan, Clapper, and the CIA spied on President Trump, General Flynn … and everyone else.

Throughout the interview, Howse asked direct, pertinent questions of his guests and received direct, pertinent replies. This ‘Merican highly recommends taking a watch at the interview in its entirety (here) or reading the transcript (here) for anybody interested in the electronic voting systems fraud investigations underway. Election fraud was the theme of the talk, with a particular focus on the whisperings that a server owned by electronic voting systems tech company Scytl had been seized from a facility in Frankfurt Germany.

Reports of this potential occurrence were brought to the mainstream consciousness by Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) when he spoke of the purported operation in a November 12 Facebook video conference call, “Global Prayer For US Election Integrity,” organised by evangelical leader Jim Garlow.

“I had information from some of our former intel people that there was extremely compelling evidence that could be gleaned from Scytl,” Gohmert said during the video conference, ” … information as to how many votes were switched from Republican for Democrat would have been easily established from the information that Scytl gathered.”

He further stated, “It turns out, I don’t know the truth, I know that there was a German tweet in German saying that on Monday, U.S. Army forces went into Scytl and grabbed their server. There are some that believe this is the U.S. intelligence that manipulated all this in order to cover their own rear ends.”

Congressman Gohmert expanded on his comments in an interview with Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo. (comment my own re/translation snafu)

“I’d suggested that the President might get information from Scytl, and the next day before – and I sent him specifics that he needed to get that would be, would show a lot of fraud movement (slight skip, hard to decipher) – and the next day before that information could be gotten, somebody ordered the U.S. Army, according to the tweet, to go in and seize the server.”

Gohmert’s comments were reported upon by various news outlets and posted to various Twitter accounts. Soon, his words were being widely proliferated via social media shares and blog posts.

The “tweet in German” referenced by Louie Gohmert was posted on November 8, 2020 by user Zeynep Mol, an ardent Trump supporter who happens to be a German female. This Twitter account also created an election results map showing nearly all of the USA colored red. Zeynep Mol’s November 8th tweet, when translated into English, reads:

!! !! The server that contributed to the election fraud is in FRANKFURT AM MAIN !! !! Last night it was seized by a large number! A software was used that calculates how many votes Biden still needs against Trump to win.

Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood from the election fraud legal team, as well as respected former Federal officials, have said this information is accurate and the good guys have the server. Two of the louder voices who’ve claimed to know this information to be factual include retired U.S. Army Col. Phil Waldron and retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney. Neither one of these men are intellectual slouches, both are veterans of U.S. intelligence arms and know their cyber warfare stuff.

Last Monday, November 30, 2020, Arizona legislators held a public hearing about voting irregularities in this 2020 General Election. Invited expert witness, Col. Phil Waldron, offered intriguing and hard to argue evidence that physical electronic voting system devices supplied by Dominion Voting Systems had been connected to the internet and were transferring data overseas. He included his personal, eyewitness testimony that he saw data being sent electronically from vote centers to Germany on Election Day.

When Waldron was asked by a state legislator, “are you willing to say under oath, that you’ve seen the connection to the internet, that you’ve seen it gone offshore to Frankfurt, Germany?”

Col. Waldron hesitated before carefully replying, “Yes, our White hat hackers, they have that traffic and the packets.”

You’re going to hear the term “White hat hacker” quite a bit in this case. A “White” hat hacker is also called an ethical hacker. They are hired by businesses and governments to test network systems security. “Black” hat hackers do the exact same thing at the same skill level, only they do it to exploit systems for their own gain; be that financial or political. “Grey” hat hackers are up to no good but also seek to do no harm; it’s a game for them. There are other colors of hats denoting levels of experience and purpose of the hack. All but the “Green” and “Kiddie” are recognised by their de facto uniform – jeans and a black t-shirt. (“Red” hat hackers may or may not exist – they don’t want to be known so have no interest in White hatting, but, very much enjoy foiling the plans of a Black hat hacker . . . or, so the legend goes.)

“Traffic and the packets” refers to bits of information sent over the internet.

Now, back to that WVR interview with Gen. Flynn, Lt. Gen. McInerney and Mary Fanning. Flynn was the first telephone guest interviewed. During their exchange, Howse brought up the Scytl server seizure story and Powell’s firm assertion that the story was not a rumor.

Brannon Howse: ” … But can you, or can you not speak to any of the hard evidence related to the server in Germany?”

Flynn: “Yes, I don’t want to speak to that right now. She’s mentioned it, and she’s actually has some really good filings. They just filed another amendment I believe in Georgia. They filed in Georgia. They filed in Michigan today, just today, and probably within the last hour or two, they just filed another amendment to those in Georgia, and back again in Michigan. I think the next couple of priorities, you know, are looking at some of these other states where there’s some big challenges.”

As I shared yesterday with one of our Patriots, I’ve interpreted Gen. Flynn not speaking on it while turning attention toward more tangible concerns that we can act upon in this election as a subtle way of saying “don’t give rumors your attention and time, give facts all of your attention and time, please.” He’ll speak on a subject when he’s comfortable with the evidence and security of same.

When Howse got to McInerney, the responses were very different.

Brannon Howse: “But you are saying that was a CIA facility, and that was where the server was taken from by these special forces, was a CIA facility in Germany.”

McInerney: “That’s correct. Frankfurt, Germany. We have all this information, General Flynn of course, people most realized, was the senior military intelligence officer in the US commands as a defense intelligence agency. He’s a career intelligence officer, knows this stuff, backwards and forwards. From my experience in the cloud business, this was a trivial operation, relatively speaking, but the magnitude, because so many people, Brannon, were involved. … and that’s why the 305th, the krakens were targeted and selected, I believe, because the President could trust them. That’s why Chris Miller, who is now the acting secretary of defense and a former special operations hero. That’s why Chris Miller is the secretary of defense.”

McInerney also stated to Howse that “Kraken” is the nickname of the 305th military intelligence battalion. He asserts Sidney Powell’s declaration that she was going to “release the kraken” meant just that. She is releasing and working off of information supplied by the 305th. Per Lt. Gen. McInerney, the 305th and “others” are he and Powell’s information sources about the raid in Germany and other digital manipulations designed to steal elections.

Evidence offered to support allegations of electronic voting systems fraud – including the story about raiding a purported CIA server farm in Frankfurt Germany – presents as a collection of hacked information, so far. No matter how good and solid, hacked information begotten by the most ethical of White hat hackers is still illegally obtained evidence that cannot be presented in a court of law. Just like evidence seized by police authorities without a warrant renders same inadmissible in court. Citizens like Sidney Powell, Thomas McInerney, Mike Flynn and Phil Waldron who are investigating these systems must possess and produce legally acquired evidence in order to take an action to court for us. Hence, Powell’s repeated requests for anybody who has direct evidence of malfeasance to please contact her office; she has expressed especial interest in the actual software programmers and Smartmatic’s original source code. Smartmatic will not release their source code because they say it is proprietary, yet, their network configuration programming can be downloaded by anybody with an internet connection and the savvy to find the code.

Such a disorganised start to this election ensured an incredibly disorganised aftermath. One wonders if confusion is not the most favored tool in the arsenal kept by those who chant, “Death to America,” while calling themselves citizens of the USA.

If anybody has additional or corrective info, please share! Ideally, providing internet links to an original source (not, to blog posts of somebody read something someplace kinda hearsay stuffs.) It would be great to have all the publicly available information all in one place.
The truth must be routed out, identified and punished, that’s all that matters. Looks like We, the People, will need to do the work generally taken care of by the press, the Department of Justice and nearly every elected official in the Land. Thank goodness for people like Powell who are unafraid to enter the lion’s den and wrassle the beastie to the ground.