LOL. Sad: Trump rally TRIGGERS media…

LOL. Sad: Trump rally TRIGGERS media with trolling Wifi password, and Twitter FLAGS it.

The big giant babies in the media and the democrat party and big tech (redundant) are having hissy fits about last night’s rally in Georgia. They’re OUTRAGED and CONCERNED that Trump won’t concede that he lost an election which his attorneys are in court to dispute over fraud and theft.

Who would concede an election while pressing a case that the election is fraudulent? But anyway they definitely pretend like it’s the end of the world and that is some gigantic threat to the continuation of democracy as we know it (though you’re a nutcase if you say that about the totalitarian aims of the communist left.) Like in all things, progressive liberal dem commies have no sense of humor and zero chill, and can’t take mean words that hurt their tiny fragile feelings. Which is why amid their freaking out about everything Trump said and the fact that he hasn’t just laid down and died at Biden’s feet they took time out to have meltdowns over a wifi password.

This one, which is hilarious:

But look what happened when Jenna Ellis tweeted a pic.

Do they seriously not realize how stupid this is??? I don’t even know what to say.

Y’all this world is getting more ridiculous by the minute. I don’t know where it’s headed but it ain’t good.