Susan Rice Selected for….

Susan Rice Selected for Role in Biden Administration

U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice speaks to the media in New York City, January 26, 2009. (Mike Segar/Reuters)

Susan Rice has been selected to head Biden’s White House Domestic Policy Council. This position does not require Senate confirmation. (It is my personal, opinion the Benghazi liar in Chief would not have been confirmed.)

The transition team believes she will “turbocharge” the “build back better” agenda. (Really? Exactly what is her domestic policy background? Foreign policy has been her bailiwick for years.)

In a press release, the Biden team stated:

“Rice is among our nation’s most senior and experienced government leaders with the skills to harness the power of the federal government to serve the American people,” 

Of course, one has to wonder which “American people” they are referring to as well as how their “build back better” is going to work.